Our Team

As an official spin-off of the University of Twente, we stay at the pulse of cutting-edge technological advancements.
We are dedicated to continually advancing our technology, pushing boundaries, and enhancing current polymer solutions.

Dr. Olga Koshkina
CEO & co-founder
Olga is a leading expert in nanotechnology, polymer chemistry, biomedical imaging and drug delivery applications.
You can contact Olga if you like to learn more about the biomedical applications of PPE, and if you are interested to start a partnership with us to develop novel innovative biomedical solutions.
Dr. Timo Rheinberger
CTO & co-founder
Timo is the expert in synthesis of PPE via anionic ring opening polymerization and post modification of polymers.
You can contact him for technical inquiries.

Prof. Dr. Frederik Wurm
Manager Scientific Affairs and Co-foudner
Frederik is a worldwide research leader in the field of PPE and sustainable polymers. He is combining his role at Phos4nova with Chair SUstainable Polymer Chemistry at the University of Twente, where he continues pushing the frontiers of polymer chemistry.
You can contact Frederik if you are interested in a research collaboration, or are looking for an industrial partner for a grant proposal.
Reach out to us, if you are looking for a solution to a specific problem. We are steadily updating our polymer portfolio and are highly interested in collaborating.
The Phos4nova Team